The Metalab is a minting mechanism designed in a gamified style. Users can combine special assets to enjoy the creative process, craft more valuable NFTs and potentially earn rewards.
Last updated
The Metalab is a minting mechanism designed in a gamified style. Users can combine special assets to enjoy the creative process, craft more valuable NFTs and potentially earn rewards.
Last updated
By using the Metalab app, individual users playing our gamefi benefit, but also 3rd party partners as well! Our team provides many app customization options for 3rd parties to come in and create their own unique Metalab combinations, thereby opening up new potential utility for their own projects!
The Metalab feature has been closed. Players can now burn their resources to receive $HEXO tokens at a 1:1 ratio via this link
Open Metalab Interface (connect your wallet to get started)
Click on each window in the Metalab and place all 4 ingredients
Press "Evaluate" button
If a combination is revealed, you will see the name of the asset which you will receive once crafting is completed
Press "Combine" button and sign transaction
Wait for transaction confirmation, then you will receive the new asset into your wallet
To create a new item (asset), users need to have four assets (let's call them 'ingredients') and combine them in the Metalab mechanism. Crafting ingredients can be bought in the Metalab Store for $HEXO or produced in the Metalab from more basic ingredients. Players can check the Craftbook to learn many different combination possibilities.
The Metalab is blockchain-based, so all of a user's assets/ingredients must reside in their wallet, and each creation operation requires a transaction signature.
In the early stage of the Metalab, the recipes of all assets were unknown. In order to reveal a recipe - players needed to choose the right combination with the right materials. If the combination is chosen correctly, the result will be guaranteed. Otherwise, all resources that participated in the combination are burned irretrievably.
This pattern may continue if we choose to add new unknown resources to the Metalab, or 3rd parties wish to replicate this pattern of gameplay. As it currently stands, all of our CardanoLands resources have been discovered in the Craftbook and will result in guaranteed crafting if you follow the chosen asset recipe.
Each crafting attempt requires 10 Focus Energy points (purple). Creating assets while using focus energy grants the user a refund of one randomly used ingredient. The number of focus points is replenished daily, but cannot exceed 50 points.
You may continue to craft without Focus Energy, but you will not benefit from the refund mechanic when this is depleted. The blue energy bar on the right is no longer a function of our Metalab gamefi, so it can be ignored for now.
Crafting result posibilities:
Before creating a new asset, the Metalab offers the possibility to evaluate the combination before execution. During the analysis, ingredients remain in place, and the result of the analysis can be 3 options:
UNAVAILABLE - this means that someone has already tried this combination before. In this case, the system will not allow you to attempt crafting and you will need to try another combination.
NAME OF THE RESOURCE - this means that this combination can produce an asset that was discovered by someone earlier, and its recipe is now published in the Craftbook.
UNKNOWN - it means that no one has tried this combination.
All created assets are full-fledged NFTs. Users may exchange them, sell them, or keep them in their wallet.
The Metalab feature has been closed. Players can now burn their resources to receive $HEXO tokens at a 1:1 ratio via this link
Policy ID: 27eee19588c997ca54d3137f64afe55a18dfcf9062fa83a724bf2357
Successful - upon successfully combining four ingredients and engaging in the required transaction, users will receive their new asset in their wallet.
Failed - If experimenting with a new combination of ingredients fails to produce a resource, all ingredients that participated in the crafting process are burned permanently.