Guilds are a cooperative mechanism for playing together with friends to unlock advanced game content. The game offers many activities that can be conducted as a guild.
Guilds are able to claim territories on the Valley Map and set their own FEE for resource extractions from all lands in claimed territory. In order to claim the territory, guild members must compete in the required amount of battles in the Arena and defeat the final boss defending the territory.
Guilds can also attack territories owned by other guilds. The claiming process remains the same except that the territory will go to the guild that scores the most points.
Guilds can have no more than 10 members. Players can only be a part of one guild at time.
Guilds can also purchase one special in-game (off-chain) island on the Valley Map. Island zones are accessible to all guild members and provide an additional space for everyone to deploy their workers and harvest more resources.
All members of a guild will have their guild crest appear on their banner near to their player avatar.
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